Thursday, 9 September 2010

Whin Rigg Complete

  There is something special about completing this fell. Not only has it one of the three "double page spreads" and all the seven Pictorial Guides but it also has the sketch of the "April Fool" Fish sign. (See the Whin Rigg page of the Wainwrights in Colour for the full story)

Wastwater Screes
 I recall that it was after a good walk over Whin Rigg and Illgill Head with a return via the notorious Wastwater Screes path that we returned to the car just as the last light of the sun was striking the face of the Screes. It was a glow which I will remember for ages as the sun was only on the scree as low cloud was shading the fell tops. I stood until the glow had gone, almost mesmerised by the sight. A great end to a great day. The small image above hardly does the scene justice.

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